

Classes section allows you to view scheduled classes, Join and withdraw from class.

Only those classes will be displayed on the app whose purpose is configured as ‘Show on mobile app’.  You will be able to join free or paid classes. Prerequisite of joining a paid class is to purchase the class as a service. If the class is not purchased then on the class list page instead of Join there will be a ‘Buy’ button.

There are two entry points for joining a class 
  1. Dashboard → upcoming classes(displays classes scheduled for next 7 days from the current)
    1. Left Menu→ Classes (displays all the class classes scheduled in the centre)


Class Join 

Left Menu→ Classes (displays all the class classes scheduled in the centre)
  1. The user can Select any week range by using the arrows and also check time slots using the slider
  2. The system will then display the list of classes running at the logged in center/ selected center from the search bar for the time selected with the respective status of the class i.e. join, joined or Buy. “Joined” status shows that the class that has already been joined by the member for the selected date and time, and the status “join” shows the classes that are available to be joined. “Buy” status shows that the class is paid class and not purchased.
  3. Select the class you wish to join
  4. The class details  page will show the below fields:
  5. Class details: Class start and end time, date and address.
  6. Capacity: This field shows the maximum capacity of the class.
  7. Get Direction:  This field will open google maps using which the user can navigate/ get directions to the club where the class is conducted.
  8. Trainer Details: Trainer image, Name and description of the trainer
  9. Click on the “Join” option to join the class selected.
  10. Once the class is joined it will be displayed on My Schedule of the user

Dashboard → upcoming classes(displays classes scheduled for the current day)

Click on the class that you want to join, it will redirect you to the class details page with Join button → click on Join class → You will toast the message of the class join successfully.


Class Withdraw
  1. If the class is already joined, then on click of the class (via my schedule or class list page) where the class details show up, the user will have an option to withdraw from the joined class.
  2. Withdrawing from the class will be allowed only if it falls in the criteria. (The criteria is configured on web application→ Manage Purpose→ Edit/Create Purpose→Feild name” Appointment/Class can be cancelled on or before”)
  3. Once the member clicks on withdraw, his session will be added back and be removed from my schedule page.

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