Invoice cancellation

Invoice cancellation

Invoice cancellation enables you to cancel an invoice in case something went wrong while creating the invoice. An invoice once created cannot be edited and hence you can cancel the invoice and you can create a new one with the correct details. 

Cancel invoice option will only reflect if you have cancellation rights! 

  •  Click on Purchase History in order to get the history of invoices for the member

  • In the case of multiple invoices, multiple invoices will appear one below the other. Click on the Invoice which you wish to cancel.   


  • On clicking the Invoice Tab the respective invoice will open on the right side and you will get the Cancel Invoice option (Cancel invoice option will reflect only if you have cancellation rights). 

  • To cancel the invoice click on the Cancel Invoice button.

  • After clicking on the cancel invoice option you will get a pop-up to enter the reason for canceling the invoice. Enter the reason and click on YES to confirm the cancellation.


1. In what scenarios, should I cancel the invoice?

AnsYou can cancel it if you need any corrections in the purchase date, total amount, selected wrong product, package or campaign.

2. Who has the right to cancel the invoice?

AnsUsually, this right is given to the administrator of the software like owners, managers, corporate team. However, this right can be given to anyone by making necessary changes in the access template.

3. Can I cancel the invoice that is created with a backdated purchase date?

AnsYes, you can cancel the backdated invoice. However, you need to enable the required setting under the global settings option.

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