Top 5 Global Settings

Top 5 Global Settings

This document will help you know the basic 5 Global Settings which you would need on day to day basis.

1. About The Setting – Backdated Billing

Allowing backdated entry enables you to create bills in the current date for the sale done earlier than today. You can restrict till when you wish to keep the backdated billing slot open, post which it would revert to it’s original permission.


Steps to enable ‘backdated billing’

  • Login into FitnessForce Software
  • Go to – Settings > Click on – Global Setting
  • In the dropdown against – Select Field > Select – backdatedentry
  • Click on – edit > Update the field ‘Value’(Number of days for which you want to open the backdated entry)* > Update ‘Valid till date’**
  • Click on – Update

Note 1 - * Value indicates the number of days till from which you want to create the bills. For example, Today is 26th January 2016 and you want to create the bills for 1st January 2016, you need to enter the value as ‘26’, i.e. you can create the bills for last 26 days

Note 1 - ** Valid till date means till when do you wish to allow the backdated billing, i.e., with the above example, you are allowing the backdated billing for last 26 days and the post 1st February 2016, backdated billing shouldn’t be allowed, so in the ‘Valid till date’ field you will select 1st February 2016 from the calendar.

2. About The Setting – ‘FutureActivation_noofdays’

In scenarios wherein, a member is paying on the current day. However, would like to set an activation date has future date due to any reasons. This setting is called as Future activation date.

Steps to set 'Future Activation Date’

  • Login into FitnessForce Software
  • Go to – Settings > Click on – Global Setting
  • In the dropdown against – Select Field > Select – FutureActivation_noofdays
  • Click on – edit > Update the fields named ‘Text’ and ‘Value’ (Only number* should be entered here)
  • Click on – Update

3.About The Setting – Adding Source

‘Source’ in FitnessForce Software simply implies from where did the client know about your gym / club.


Steps to add ‘Source’

  • Login into FitnessForce Software
  • Go to – Settings > Click on – Global Setting
  • Click on – New Global
  • Enter the fields as listed below
  • In Param Class - src_enquiry
  • In Param Text – ‘New source to be added’ example – College Campaign
  • In Param Value – ‘Same as ‘Param Text’’ example – College Campaign
  • In Description – You can provide an appropriate description for the new source added, such as when should this source be used

4. About The Setting – Enquiry Type

‘Enquiry Type’ means how did the client connect with your club, i.e., through phone, walk-in, etc.

Steps to add ‘Enquiry Type’

  • Login into FitnessForce Software
  • Go to – Settings > Click on – Global Setting
  • Click on – New Global 
  • Enter the fields as listed below
  • In Param Class - enquiry_type
  • In Param Text – ‘New source to be added’ example – Website

  • In Param Value – ‘Same as ‘Param Text’’ example – Website

  • In Description – You can provide an appropriate description for the new type added, such as when should this type be used

5. About The Setting – Add Location

‘Location’ is a field in FitnessForce Software to capture the area where the client resides.

How to add ‘Location’

  • Login into FitnessForce Software
  • Go to – Settings > Click on – Global Setting
  • Click on – New Global
  • Enter the fields as listed below
  • In Param Class - Loc
  • In Param Text – ‘New source to be added’ example – AB Colony

  • In Param Value – ‘Same as ‘Param Text’’ example – AB Colony

  • In Description – You can provide an appropriate description for the location

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I disable the added enquiry type or source or location?

Ans. In order to disable the added field, follow following steps:

  • Go to – Settings > Click on – Global Setting
  • In the dropdown against – Select Field > Select – ‘src_enquiry’ for source / ‘enquiry_type’ for enquiry type / ‘loc’ for location
  • Click on ‘Inactive’ > Click on – Update
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